I went to Bethlehem Bible Church (BBC) last evening with my brother. I love this church for the expository preaching and the hymns. : ) If I could blend this church with the church I attend I think it would be a perfect church!! But that's just wishful thinking because no church will ever be perfect. The message at BBC was entitled Praise to David's Rock and it was an exposition of Psalm 18. I'll just highlight some of the main ideas.
A Rock. There really is something special, comforting, and powerful in thinking about God as my rock. I love the Shane & Shane song Psalm 62. I love the chorus: "On God I rest, my salvation, my fortress shall not be shaken, my mighty rock and my glorious, I lay my head upon His chest". The preacher spoke about a rock being a shelter and a shade from the heat and sun in the desert. He spoke about how David was well aware of the power and protection of a rock. A rock is also foundational. It is strong and cannot be moved.
Thanksgiving. The preacher comments about David's thankful heart and dependence on God for protection. He mentioned that one of Paul's criticisms of the world is that they are unthankful. Being thankful admits that we lack something. It admits that we have received something we couldn't have obtained on our own.
Righteousness. Psalm 18:20-24 was interesting because David speaks of being blameless and clean. The preacher said it was a possibility that David understood imputed righteousness and that someday, sin will be completely taken away. David also said that he had not 'wickedly departed' from God and the preacher emphasized that stumbling is not departure. "[T]hough he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand". What a comfort for those who've stumbled!
Equipping. One of the last points the preacher made was that God will not send you to a place for which you are not equipped. Psalm 18:30-36 speaks about God equipping David. I like the end of verse 35: "[Y]our gentleness made me great". I find it so comforting that God trains in gentleness and it is His gentleness that makes us great. We would do well to copy the Lord in this when we are training and equipping others.
A Rock. How fitting that David would end a begin this Psalm with praising God His Rock. We are 'hemmed in, behind and before' and sheltered by God our Rock.
The thing I like most about expository preaching is that it is multi-topical. Some preachers will speak on a topic and it seems to have one main point and application but often expository preaching has multiple sub-points and topics and many applications. Like for instance, in this message, I got to rejoice in God as my rock, be reminded to give thanks, be comforted that God puts 100% of his attention on each of his children, be amazed that David may have possibly had a revelation of imputed righteousness, be encouraged that God will equip you for the place He is going to send you, and rejoice once more that God is my rock, a fortress and my great Savior.
I'll leave you with a couple of funny quotes I liked:
God is not our cosmic bellhop. Picturing that just made me laugh. But isn't it true? We get in a bind or we need some help and we ring our little bell and expect God to jump to our aide.
God doesn't need a Plan B because He's always on Plan A. Nothing surprises Him.
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