Tuesday, December 30, 2008


After a long absence, I've decided to return to blogging.

Between Two Worlds posted a link to a recent article on humility by Tim Keller. It's definitely worth reading. Here's a part I particularly liked:

"Christian humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less, as C. S. Lewis so memorably said. It is to be no longer always noticing yourself and how you are doing and how you are being treated. It is "blessed self-forgetfulness."

Humility is a byproduct of belief in the gospel of Christ. In the gospel, we have a confidence not based in our performance but in the love of God in Christ (Rom. 3:22-24). This frees us from having to always be looking at ourselves. Our sin was so great, nothing less than the death of Jesus could save us. He had to die for us. But his love for us was so great, Jesus was glad to die for us."

The more I grow in the Lord the more I notice that I think of myself less. I still think about myself quite a lot but there is wonderful freedom in NOT thinking about myself. And it's true. It's only God in the Gospel that can free us from noticing and focusing on ourselves.

The article also goes on to talk about the problems with moralism and the subtlety of performance-based acceptance. It's about 'grace, not goodness'!

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