Monday, June 2, 2008

Preaching the Good News to Yourself

"...The end of Psalm 42 isn't happy, but it is hopeful. The psalmist is in duress. There are tears and turmoil. His soul is downcast, and he asks God Why?

He's fighting for hope. He thirsts for God and affirms God's love and preaches good news to himself. And even in the midst of his great discouragement, he has the wherewithal to sing."

(HT:Desiring God)

1 comment:

Sean John said...

Ah, this is what C.J. Mahaney talked about(the first time) at New Attitude this year. We ought not to listen to ourselves (as we are sinners), but talk to ourselves(from our regenerated souls). You've got an amazing blog here! As a young and immature Christian, I am deeply encouraged. :)
P.S. - I'm curious to know what that (I assume lol)Greek word means!

God bless you!